
第4回マシンラーニングのら猫勉強会「Python Machine Learning」読書会

Sun, 25 Sep 2016 13:30 - 17:00 JST

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第4回マシンラーニングのら猫勉強会「Python Machine Learning」読書会
 9月25日(日)13:30 - 17:00 (受付は13:15から)
 市ヶ谷健保会館、E会議室 (レストランの2F) 東京都新宿区市谷仲之町4-39
 ※ 懇親会希望者は当日募ります。会費は2000円程度の予定です。
 ※ 今回から、Machine Learning with TensorFlow (Manning) やRの機械学習ライブラリその他の課題図書(未翻訳本を中心に)を加えることを考えてみます。また、全般的に統計関連が皆さん苦労されているようですので、前回担当者の発表で不十分であった数式やコードの読み方(ロジスティック回帰やカーネルサポートベクトルマシンの)などの解説を(石井が)最初に時間をとってします。

東京農工大の石井一夫先生が一般向けに開く、「Python Machine Learning」の洋書読書会です。


第5章 次元削減でデータを圧縮する
Chapter 5, Compressing Data via Dimensionality Reduction, describes the essential techniques to reduce the number of features in a dataset to smaller sets while retaining most of their useful and discriminatory information. It discusses the standard approach to dimensionality reduction via principal component analysis and compares it to supervised and nonlinear transformation techniques.

第7章 アンサンブル学習 -- 異なるモデルの組み合わせ
Chapter 7, Combining Different Models for Ensemble Learning, introduces you to the different concepts of combining multiple learning algorithms effectively. It teaches you how to build ensembles of experts to overcome the weaknesses of individual learners, resulting in more accurate and reliable predictions.

第8章 機械学習の適用 1 -- 感情分析
Chapter 8, Applying Machine Learning to Sentiment Analysis, discusses the essential steps to transform textual data into meaningful representations for machine learning algorithms to predict the opinions of people based on their writing.

第9章 機械学習の適用 2 -- Webアプリケーション
Chapter 9, Embedding a Machine Learning Model into a Web Application, continues with the predictive model from the previous chapter and walks you through the essential steps of developing web applications with embedded machine learning models.

第10章 回帰分析 -- 連続値をとる目的変数の予測
Chapter 10, Predicting Continuous Target Variables with Regression Analysis, discusses the essential techniques for modeling linear relationships between target and response variables to make predictions on a continuous scale. After introducing different linear models, it also talks about polynomial regression andtree-based approaches.

第11章 クラスタ分析 -- ラベルなしデータの分析
Chapter 11, Working with Unlabeled Data – Clustering Analysis, shifts the focus to a different subarea of machine learning, unsupervised learning. We apply algorithms from three fundamental families of clustering algorithms to nd groups of objects that share a certain degree of similarity.

第12章 ニューラルネットワーク -- 画像認識トレーニング
Chapter 12, Training Arti cial Neural Networks for Image Recognition, extends the concept of gradient-based optimization, which we rst introduced in Chapter 2, Training Machine Learning Algorithms for Classi cation, to build powerful, multilayer neural networks based on the popular backpropagation algorithm.

第13章 ニューラルネットワーク -- 数値計算ライブラリ Theano によるトレーニングの並列化
Chapter 13, Parallelizing Neural Network Training with Theano, builds upon the knowledge from the previous chapter to provide you with a practical guide for training neural networks more ef ciently. The focus of this chapter is on Theano, an open source Python library that allows us to utilize multiple cores of modern GPUs.



●受付時間 13:15 受付開始 13:30 開始  17:00 終了
●費用 500円(資料・会場)
●募集人数 30名

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マシンラーニングのら猫勉強会 "Stray Cats' Machine Learning Workshop"

マシンラーニングのら猫勉強会 "Stray Cats' Machine Learning Workshop"


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